Knotted Pullback | Easy Hairstyles

Nobody loves a simple hairstyle more than me!

In fact, the best thing about these 3-minute styles is that they are simply “different enough” to grab people’s attention and generate lots of compliments without taking lots of time to create!

This hairstyle uses a simple knotting technique that is easy to put in and easy to take out… as easy as tying your shoes!

That perfect mix is exactly what you will find with the Knotted Pullback…

This knotting style is perfect for combinations in hairstyles, such as pairing it into a ponytail, sock bun, messy bun, etc.

Your friends will definitely wonder how you did it!

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 bobby pins, hairspray and accessory {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 2-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Brush the hair so that it is parted to one side. You can leave the hair straight or style it with waves. {Even super curly hair will work for this hairstyle!}
  2. Pick up a small section from the front on the heavy side of the hair, the side where the majority of the hair falls…
  3. Split that section into two smaller strands…
  4. Now tie the first step of a knot just like you would begin to tie a shoelace. Pull that “knot” so that it sits snuggly against the head…
  5. While holding the two ends in your hands, add a small section of hair to each side. {Please allow me to clarify… you are going to add hair from both sides of the knot into each strand. So you will pick up hair on the right side of the head and add it to the right strand. Hair from the left side of the head will go into the left strand.}
  6. Now tie another Stage 1 knot as in Step #4, again pull until snug…
  7. Repeat Steps #5 and 6 until you have 3-5 knots…
  8. Secure ends with a tiny elastic that matches your hair in color…
  9. Now, pull up some hair near the top of your head at the end of the pullback.
  10. Pin the pullback against your head using crossed bobby pins…
  11. Now lay that top section of hair over the bobby pins, and end of the pullback, to help hide them.
  12. Feel free to add hairspray or an accessory.

There you go… pretty easy, right?  Feel free to try it and enjoy the compliments!

If you liked this hairstyle, please feel free to share! Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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  1. Hey Mindy, i wish i could live near you so i could become friends with your twins, im also 13 and in year seven.

  2. I love this website because
    it gives you lots of amazing
    hair styles instead of just
    having it straight or curly <3 x

  3. hi i have really thin and fine hair do you know any hairstyles that would work well on my hair? thanks

  4. How do you keep your bobby pins in your daughters hair? I tried this one and the four strand push up braid that looks like this one! I can not keep them in place!!!!! help me!

  5. Hi, I have thick heavy hair. When ever I wear my hair like this the pins always fall out . What should I do to keep it in place?

  6. If i want to go to school, I usually hairdoing myself, so,it’s kinda hard for me, so, do you have the solution ???

  7. I wish my mom knew how to do hair like you. She isn’t that good, so i only watch all your videos and dream about having them on my hair one day 🙁

  8. Wow, new layout is quite different from previous.I like some features, but the new layout is a bit harder for me because I’m used to the old layout but the new one is cool and modern

      1. Dont like it go get a life no one forced u to like it and they dont need ur likness go dieeeeee!

    1. Some ungrateful people like you don’t appreciate what these amazing people have done for us! I applaud them, especially Mindy, on how far they have come since 2008 and I think I heard that the father even gave up his JOB to support his family in the magical world of hair.Not many husbands would leave their job to film their wife doing hairstyles on his kids. You are very lucky what these people have had to do in order to please us with all of these wonderful hairstyles!

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