The Knotted Ponytail | Hairstyles for Girls

Our Knotted Headband hairstyle from a few years ago was such a hit, we decided to give you a similar look but in a ponytail this time!The Knotted Ponytail | Sports Hairstyles So today Kamri and I want to show you how to create The Knotted Ponytail

We started off with three simple flip-unders on top as an accent to the hairstyle, before pulling back into the high ponytail. If you do not know how to create these, you can see how to make flip-unders here.

The inspiration for this ponytail knotting technique came from a hair blog named Princess Piggies years ago, but we’ve never had the time to show you how to do this until now.

Essentially, if you can make the first “stitch” of tying your shoe, you can easily create this ponytail! Kamri volunteered to be my model, and I always have fun filming with her… can’t you tell??? After we were filming, she asked me if I ate too much chocolate!

Feel free to tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHKnottedPonytail

We get asked for more and more sports hairstyles, and this one sure fits in… however the hairstyle would be simply adorable as wrapped up into a bun as well!  Accent the bun with a few small twist-in flowers, and you’d have a beautiful prom or wedding updo! Enjoy the tutorial, and prepare for compliments!

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 1 hair elatic, 2 small claw hair clips, spray wax and hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions: {Best done on wet hair}

  1. Begin by pulling the hair into a high ponytail, and secure with a ponytail holder…
  2. Reach to the under side of the ponytail and grab two thin strands of hair, and gently comb through them so they are uniform and with out kinks…
  3. Spray some dry wax or add Pomade to help the hair strands hold their shape…
  4. Then, create the first stitch of tying a shoe {take the left stand over and under the right strand, and pull tight}..
  5. Using two tiny claw hair clips, now clip each end of the strands to the sides of ponytail to keep them taught and out of the way…
  6. Now, again, reach back around to the underside of the ponytail and grab two more small strands of hair, comb them out, add any pomade or dry wax, and then tie them in another simple stitch in front of the ponytail {this should create a second knot about 1 inch lower then the first one}…
  7. Release the hair clips and move them down to hold onto the second knot ends…
  8. Continue Steps #2-7 until you run out of hair.
  9. At the end of the ponytail, when you are unable to create any more stitched without hair falling out, secure with a hair elastic…
  10. Go back and gently position the knots to the desired look, and add hairspray {if desired}.

Hope you enjoy the CuteGirlsHairstyles App, and more importantly, continue to share these Sunday evenings with our family!

Happy Hairstyling!

Want an absolutely hilarious family game that is sure to generate laughs and memories? BrooklynAndBailey uploaded a video last week of our kids playing Jelly Belly’s Bean Boozled, a roulette version of the Jelly Bean Challenge featuring flavors like Stinky Socks, Moldy Cheese, Barf, Rotten Egg mixed in with similar colored fruity jelly beans! Click below to get a few laughs…

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  1. what kind of spray wax do you use? i live in a small town with only a wal-mart and am having no luck

  2. I love this hairstyle I just need to but the right clips because my sister tried it in me with different clips and it didn’t work but oh well practice makes perfect!!

  3. Really pretty! Do you think it would be easier to do with damp hair because well, flyaways and all that but do you think totally dry hair would also work?

  4. you should do bubble wrap curls! They make these gorgeous spiral curls when you pull them out after an overnight sleep with them.

  5. Thanks Mindee, glad you guys like it. It’s been a long time since we posted that one. My daughter was very excited to see it on FB!
    Julie Morton
    Princess Piggies

  6. I love this hairstyle! Do you know if next week you could try the hairstyle from the movie princess a modern fairytail. When she was danceing at the castle? I think you will like it!

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