Hairstyle Video: Triple Twists into Twisty Buns

This fun hairstyle is one of the very first that I ever posted on this website, back in October of 2008. Since then, I have received quite a few requests to provide a video on how to do it. (It has just taken me awhile to get to it… sorry!)

You can check this link to review the step-by step photos of the Triple Twists into Twisty Buns as a reference before viewing the video.  It will help you to know what I did in creating this ‘do!

Items Needed:  Spray bottle, rat-tail comb, 4 large hairbands
Time Requirement: 10 minutes

If you found this video tutorial helpful, be sure to let me know!  Enjoy!

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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  1. What a fun find this website is! I love doing little girl’s hair and now I have a whole bunch of new ideas to mix in! Thank you for sharing! And your little models are absolutely beautiful!!! 🙂

  2. I don’t remember how I came across your website, but I’m so glad I did. Just wished it would’ve been sooner. I have a 6 year old and a 4month old. My daughter loves these hairstyles. Hopefully, I’ll have them all down so I can be a pro by the time my youngest is a toddler! U have a beautiful family. Thank u!!! -Jess

  3. Thank you for this hair style!!! Once I found it I begged my mom learn and practice it. Now for every solo dance competition I do this hairstyle.

  4. Thank you SO much for the videos! I’ve seen the picture blogs, but seeing the videos just really helps me see how it’s done. Your girls are all as cute as can be – they look like their mama! I have 3 boys and a girl, so one my one girl, I sure do like to do girly! I also hope that God will being another child into our family through adoption too. Thanks again for sharing everything!

  5. Hi i love the hairstyles soooo much, im 12, i did one of the hairstyles on me today, i cant remeber what its called i just knw that it twists with to parts into a bun. I love doing the hairstyles on my sister and sometimes at school i have a que of people waiting for me to do the hairstyles on them. :)Thankyou for all the great ideas 🙂
    Ps:Your six children are adorable, you make me think about adopting kids of my own when im an adult. You’ve inspired me to have a big family. Thanks again 🙂

  6. I cannot believe I didn’t come across this site sooner. I found your site and showed my daughters (ages 7 and 11) the hairstyles you’ve done and they love them. We’ve only done two of them so far, but we can’t wait to do more styles. These are soooo super cute.

  7. I just found your site while surfing for cute ideas for my daughter. I LOVE IT! I can not believe how many wonderful and cute ideas I have found here. I can’t wait to try them all out. Thanks so much for posting!

  8. I just stumbled on your videos today. I have two girls ages 9 and 11 and they have wicked curly hair. Ive always done a messy bun, or a pony on them…. but now I can do so much more!! You are AWESOME!! Thanks sooo sooo much.

  9. This website is AMAZING! I’m 14 and love doing these hairstyles on my little sister (4) and as well as myself! Thanks so much for the great ideas, and tips! 😀 i love it and im amazed 😉 thanks again! i first looked at it for the fourth of july but ended up looking on it DAILY! haha

  10. Mindy, I’d just like to say I’m absolutely IN LOVE with this website! I have two little sisters who always want me to do their hair, but i never know what to do with it. Now I do! I did this for my three year old sisters hair yesterday before we went to the pool, and so many people asked how i did her hair like that, so i told them to check you out 🙂 I did the second day hair style for it today and shes ecstatic about how curly it is haha 🙂 thanks for all the great ideas 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. Oh my word! I love this website and i wish my little sister would let me do her hair! I can do some of these to myself but others I don’t look too hot! :/ Thanx for giving me such great ideas and fun things to do!

  12. i only go to your websit for hair dues! i am only 13 and i have a sister that is 3 and she has long beautiful hair and i love to play with it and your hairstyles make her look beautiful. My mom loves it and so do i.

    I want to grow up an have my own salon and i will do alot of your hair styles on kids 🙂

    Thank you so much keep up the good work and i will be on here tomarrow 🙂
    Reanna M

  13. TV,
    I am just noticing alot of comments asking how to get their little ones to sit still…
    Spongebob, or whatever it is that freezes them, Works wonderful;)

  14. Way Cute, I am thinking only doing 2 twists on the side of the part and staggering them between the 3 on the other side;) Fabulous!!

  15. This one has to be my favourite! Thanks Mindy! Its freezing cold here in Ontario and its hard to find cute hairstyles that fit under a hat and hold up well do you have any ideas?

  16. To answer an above question, the way I got my girl to stop squirming was twofold. First I now have her sit up on the sink like you do and that helps so her legs don’t get tired, and second I take a picture of her hair after she’s done so she can really see the finished look. Once she saw what I was getting into back there she became a much better participant!

  17. I can’t get it to work? I think her hair is too thin and she wont hold the twists? frustrating. I need a cute hairstyle for tomorrow.

  18. I love this hairstyle! It looks so good on my daughters hair! She HATES having her hair done and screams the whole time I even comb it, but this is one that she will let me do and not cry the whole time I’m doing it. I love your website ever since my sister-in-law sent me the link. Thanks for all the fun and cute ideas!

  19. My daughter and I love this hairstyle! How do you keep the twists so tight before adding them to the pony? I have my daughter hold them, then I have to slightly retwist each twist before I can add them. Any suggestions on how to keep them tight the whole time?

  20. This is amazing! I discovered your videos by accident on YouTube and have completely fallen in love with them. This one is my absolute favorite, and it looks fantastic on my kidlet. Thank you so much for sharing all this with the public. God bless and keep you.

  21. Thanks for this one…I loved this one on my daughter. I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures.

  22. Thank you for taking the time to do the videos. I really admire people like you. I mean, you have 4 girls (and a son), and you still find the time to fix their hair (and not just a simple ponytail). Then you go a step further and take pictures and even make videos? You are like superwoman, lol! So what is your secret? I always wondered where are your other kids when you are doing the videos? And how do you keep your younger girls still while fixing their hair? I have 2 kids, 6 year old girl, 3 year old boy, and I can’t get my daughter to sit still or cooperate with me while doing these. And when she actually does, the 3 year old is getting into something and I have to quit. How do you keep it together? Enquiring minds want to know. 🙂

  23. This is fantastic!!! I have been looking for hairstyles for #1 daughter for ages and your site provides some great ideas. Now if only you could post ideas to keep her from wriggling so much when I do her hair!

  24. LOVE this!!! I used this idea on my daughter’s hair for her dance recital last weekend. Everyone wanted to know how to do it. Her hair is too short for the buns, but I curled it, fluffed it out and made it work. Thanks!!!

  25. I just love all those hairdo’s you do and your girls are so cute. I have 4 kids, two boys and two girls. My girls are 3 and 1 years old. I love doing my 3 year old’s hair, but have a hard time getting it to turn out smooth. She has beautiful but thin (still baby) hair, so it’s harder to grip. Thank you for all the tips and ideas!!!

    1. Hi Dallas! Sorry, I had the text link URL wrong. Try it now… it points to the photos and instructions. Thanks!

  26. I am an adoptive mom who, through another adoption blog, stumbled upon your site yesterday. I tried this one this morning on my 4-year-old before preschool. She got several compliments on it and I have already sent the link to your blog on to two other moms (per their request)! 🙂

    Both of my girls have long, beautiful hair… which I am NOT adept at fixing! I feel like we are always doing ponytails. Thank you for the great hair inspiration — I am looking forward to trying many more ‘do’s, with your help!

  27. I love the videos!! Thank you for the time you (and husband and girls) take in filming them! They make it so much easier to follow the adorable hair styles you come up with. I am always trying to find a style that will last the whole day through on my busy 5 year old daughters head and this one looks like a winner. Thanks so much!

  28. I tried it on my girls' hair, first time dry, then today wet. I was asked today if I was a hair stylist! Yesterday I did it on my own hair as my little boy had his K field trip and it was VERY windy, and my hair didn't budge! So my girls wanted me to do my hair like them today for our Mother/Daughter luncheon, and had many compliments. Thank you for more ideas for the hair!

  29. It was the twisting part that always threw me. I was trying to twist the whole bunch at once. Much different (and better) results twisting your way down the hair! Thank you.

  30. I did this on my daughter's hair today and she was the hit of the school! I had many parents asking me how I did it and many compliments given, so THANK YOU!!! Your tutorial made all the difference in the world. It didn't look so hard after watching the video. Thank you again!

  31. I love this hairdo. It looks so nice when it is in. Thanks for showing it to us again, and doing the video.

  32. I love your blog and thanks for all the help! Even more though I love how good your little girl is! What a cutie!!

  33. Thank so much for doing videos of your hairstyles. I am such a visual person that it helps to see it then try it! I can't wait to try this one on my little girls hair. Now if I can just get her to hold still like yours! 😉

  34. I love this hairstyle, I did it a lot when my daughter had long hair. I can't wait until it grows back! 🙂

  35. Thanks for making this wonderful video! My girls are always wanting me to do their hair in special ways and this looks like something I can do. I am also a fan of adoption. Without it, I wouldn't have my two precious girls.

  36. I love the twists. My youngest is growing out her bangs so I twist them and secure them with a barrette. Quick and simple plus they are out of her face.

  37. I just LOVE your blog! I have told all my Mommy friends about your site!!

    I have a quick question – what kind of sunscreen do you use on the scalp with these types of hairdos? I have very thin hair and my head gets sunburned all the time – plus I want to protect my little one's head too!

    Thank you so much!!!

  38. If you want to grow and healthy hair, you can buy hair care products from market which is available for you. You can use Olive oil which is best for your hair. A good diet is also important for you. It makes your hair beautiful.

  39. I am so happy for this tutorial, b/c i have loved this hair do from the get go but could never get it as cute as yours…now I think I can! Thank you!!

  40. I am sooo doing this on my daughters hair tomorrow for school!!! I love that it is sooo simple, yet soooo darling!!! Thanks for another awesome do!!!

  41. Love this! Thanks so much for the video. I just showed it to my daughter, and she wants me to do this for school tomorrow.

  42. Thanks!! I always wondered how that was done. I'm going to give it a try before dance tomorrow!!

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