Sometimes it’s tricky catching that time between seasons where it’s “almost spring”, and the perfect chance to bring out your fave jackets. That’s why I’m here now to tell you that the groundhog gave good warning and now is the time to pull out those jackets!
It’s so easy to miss the short window and suddenly find yourself wearing extra layers in 80 degree weather, leaving you with a repeated, “My thyroid is just really bad, so I even have to wear a jacket on the beach.” Eye roll.
You may have changed a whole lot since last year – new job, new body, new boyfriend or new city, whatever it may be, you now have a dictionary of what your jackets are telling you.
Are you afraid to see what comes next? Don’t be, it’s not like I can read palms, just jackets.
Track Jacket – Fit & Fancy
Active wear has taken over the fashion industry so much that you no longer need to be shy and use the, “I just worked out, that’s why I’m dressed like this” excuse. But instead, the, “I just worked out AND I still look stylish in my running tights and track jacket.” Now that’s convenience.
Fringe – Hip & Happy
The 70s are making a comeback as if they never left. Fringe and suede tell others that you’re; A. Not afraid of trends, B. Love Bridgett Bardot C. Like digging through your mom’s old clothes or D. You’re no dummy, so, all of the above.
Denim – Cool & CasualA denim jacket has always kept things cool and casual since Levi founded them in the early 1900s. But it’s no longer just thrown on for casualness, it’s been taken to the streets with skirts, dresses and leather leggings, making an effortless statement that can’t be ignored.
Bomber – Fashionable & Fun
A bomber jacket makes life easier as it already works with everything in your closet. It’s the perfect jacket to keep you comfortable, fashionable and full of excitement. You’ll never be confronted as to why you intermixed some wardrobe chaos, because you’ll be pulling it off with grace.
Trench – Smart & Stylish
Of course we’re all smart and stylish with trench or no trench, we are females after all, but throwing on one of these takes your smarts up a notch. It says to your fellow street stylers that you’re smart because your prepared for rain or shine and if you need to shred a layer, you can easily tie it around your neck or hips without a fuss.
Blazer – Pretty & Professional
Blazers always add another level of sophistication. No matter a horrible day of missing deadlines, you can rebound with gumption knowing that you look put-together and ready to conquer whatever comes next.
Sleeveless – Charming & Creative
Dressing to impress is a thing of the past, we’re here to dress for ourselves and make the most of our latest dud. Layers tend to complete our look with charm and creativity, confidence and expression that turns heads in every room.
Tweed – Lovely & Ladylike
Tweed may have you look innocent on the outside, but with a knowing that you’re a girl-boss tude’ can control any room of men. After all, Coco Chanel herself was the founder of this gem and she was no woman to mess with.
Leather – Foxy & Fearless
Sporting leather no matter the temperature takes the confidence we should all have. Wearing leather can soften the blow of an ended relationship, so much that you’ll forget your ex’s name the second you throw it on. You may hear that it’s 75 degrees outside, but that wont’ stop you because you’re ready to toughen it out as the girl boss, go-getter that you are.
So what’s your #currentmood going to be?
Love the green leather jacket. The color is so vibrant!
I love the Jean jacketssssssss
I’m in love with every single clothing item
This is another of my favorite posts, because I love to see how my mood changes!
I love the green leather jacket!
I do too, glad you do!
I love the green lether jacket though????????
I know, I’m crazy over it as well! xo
I’m currently on the hunt for a red leather jacket, they are all so £££££
Seriously, they make me drool! Thanks for reading!
Wow amazing ❤️
Awe thanks!
love them all! thanks for the tip!
You’re welcome, thanks for being here! xox
The leather is my fav
Its a good one!
Cute outfits
I love the fit &fancy jacket as well as the fun& fashionable!
Hey thanks, glad to hear it! xo
Nice jackets! Thank you for the tip the smart and stylish trench is defenetly my favorite ❤
I love a good trench too xox
cute jakets
<3 @disqus_9GuPIJbK5Q:disqus
I live how many different options there are to wear with these stylish jackets.
Totally, the options are endless! @sarahmeirhofer:disqus
This is a really cute jacket
I think so too! xo
interesting jacket options like the mix range of styles to go with.
Hey thanks for reading!! xo
Nice jackets!
<3 @disqus_bgNLdb1sGV:disqus